Here it is at the (almost) end of Day 2. I woke up early, way too early. After about 4 and a half hours. Not enough sleep. Really. Still, I couldn't get back to sleep so I figured I would get up. I read, played on the laptop, and eventually got out on the road. After leaving Lafayette, I headed west without problems. I managed to get through Houston and then San Antonio without hitting any real traffic. The Idiot Magnet seemed to be off.
From Lafayette in Louisiana to Houston in Texas, the terrain is pretty much the same... swampy, lush. Once you get through Houston, it changes, it gets drier, you get into a higher elevation, pastureland, rocky areas.
This stays the same until you get very close to San Antonio and then you start moving into desert. More brown, sagebrush, scraggly bushes, more sand and rocks. It stays this way for hundreds of boring miles. Boring, tiring, miles. Except for the occasional roadwork which was either devoid of workers or had more than needed, it was one of the most uneventful rides I have ever taken.
I guess that's a good thing. Excitement on the road can also be hazardous.
But without excitement your mind wanders. I worry when that happens. What if it didn't come back? I started thinking about a sign I saw as I was driving through Florida. The sign was an advertisement for one of the ubiquitous retirement communities. It was pushing an active adult lifestyle. I know what adult movies are, I know what an adult bookstore is. So just what is an adult lifestyle? A bunch of swinging seniors?
I don't want to think about it.
I have finally ceased driving and grabbed an over-priced Motel 6 room and am trying to relax. It's going to be difficult because I stopped for a meal about 2 hours back and the only thing available that seemed worthwhile was a Mexican restaurant. So I indulged. I will pay for that. Fortunately I have Tums and ranitidine (Zantac) so I will likely survive. Maybe. Food was good, though.
A Night Unremembered
14 years ago
The open American road! I envy you. Your trip brings to mind Travels With Charley, On the Road, even The Grapes of Wrath.
Hey, what's a Motel 6 cost these days. I remember when the 6 meant 6 bucks a night.
Ah, see? I'm not the only one who'se jealous.
Going to random one-of-a-kind restaurants on the road must be fun/exciting. You never know what you might be served.
I see I'm not the only one who goes to restaurants with Tums (Brazilian version = Sonrisal) LOL
This must be what the call "wisdom"
Drove across country more to the north in 1977 by myself. One of the all time great experiences of my life. What's your most significant memory of the trip?
Dad - It was over $70 with tax. On the way back I found a "bare bones" Motel 6 for $35. Slept pretty much the same. I did miss the Wi-Fi, though.
Log - I have no significant memories, I have a plethora of seed thoughts, though. A journey like that allows you to explore all sorts of concepts. If I had to choose, I'd say the changes over the years have really hit home.
Ah, see? I'm not the only one who'se jealous.
Going to random one-of-a-kind restaurants on the road must be fun/exciting. You never know what you might be served.
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