The Random Comic Strip

The Random Comic Strip

Words to live by...

"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and to rest afterward."

[Spanish Proverb]

Ius luxuriae publice datum est

(The right to looseness has been officially given)

"Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders," wrote Ludwig von Mises, "no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interest, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle."

Apparently, the crossword puzzle that disappeared from the blog, came back.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Vote `em all out!

Isn't politics fun? It seems like as soon as one election is over, the campaigning for the next one begins. I realize that political discourse often causes many eyes to glaze over and blood to shoot from others. We are either fanatical about politics or completely disinterested. I have been both over the years. Not always at the same time, of course.

I have been liberal and conservative, apathetic and rabid, and often confused. The last 20 or so years, the political atmosphere has been smoggy and harsh. Candidates from both major parties have accused their opponents of being divisive and fostering anger, fear, and hate. It reminds me of the bumper sticker (and/or tagline in emails and usenet posts) Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt... my job here is done. The first part soon became the acronym FUD and was used in accusations such as "spreading FUD."

Much was made a few years ago about term limits. There are valid (and not so valid) arguments in favor and against term limits. Some say they are unconstitutional. I think they are, so long as they, the limits, are not created by federal law unless by amendment to the Constitution. Personally, I don't think we need laws to limit terms. We can, if we will, enforce them at the ballot box. Just refuse to vote for incumbents who have already served two terms. If you aren't sure if they have served at least 2 terms then just vote out the incumbent. It'll work. If enough of us are willing to do it.

I mean, what's with career politicians? I associate them with career criminals. It's pretty hard to tell them apart anyway. Except their thievery is allegedly legal. Career politicians are our Ruling Class. I see way too many members of the same families getting elected to offices not because they are the best candidate (or even qualified for it) but because they are members of a prominent political family. Wives "inherit" a Senate seat, sons follow in their fathers' footsteps; cousins and nephews and nieces trade on the family name. And how can they do this? Because we let them. Because we still have that belief in aristocracy buried in our brains.

Why am I boring you with this political tripe? Because we here in Florida have a primary coming up soon. Some of you may have one coming also. And the best way to impose term limits is in these primaries. Make the incumbents nervous, kick them out, vote for the other guy, any other guy (or gal), shake `em up.

I promise to go back to my usual pointless ramblings come Monday.


Pearl said...

I agree with you, not to mention that I plan to add "FUD" to my vocabulary.


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to casting my vote against all sorts of people on August 24th, my first election since moving here.

Douglas said...

Pearly, you will be pleased that you did. It will impress your boss and you will make all kinds of friends on the bus.

Zeus, welcome to Florida. We do our best to make you regret your move every election period.

Zeusiswatching said...

I think my party of choice wins most elections around here, especially in Lee County. That might be reason for serious regret. At least with the Democrats, I can never be disappointed because I know they will do wrong anyway.

Douglas said...

Zeus, my personal preference is for legislative gridlock. Neither major party having a strong majority. The less the pols get done, the happier I am.

Douglas said...

Zeus, my personal preference is for legislative gridlock. Neither major party having a strong majority. The less the pols get done, the happier I am.

Douglas said...

Pearly, you will be pleased that you did. It will impress your boss and you will make all kinds of friends on the bus.

Zeus, welcome to Florida. We do our best to make you regret your move every election period.

Pearl said...

I agree with you, not to mention that I plan to add "FUD" to my vocabulary.
