There's only three photos today. The first is from my Reserve ID card. I was 23. I had decided to not re-enlist in the Navy. I was optimistic, obviously young, and ready for anything.
The next photo is from a couple of years later, I think. I am not sure. I am married, with a small child, and I am employed as a janitor/handyman at a drapery and window furnishings factory. I am struggling to get by. I am not so optimistic. It was a tough year for me.
The last is me about three years ago. My son is grown, I have two granddaughters, I have been divorced and remarried. I haven't struggled to get by for many, many years. I have lived in California, Florida, Virginia, and Florida again since the above picture. Traffic accidents, hurricanes, blizzards, have all taken shots at me.
We don't know where life will take us. Some of us are very good at planning it out but I think most of us just try the best we can and take what life offers, trying to pick the best of the choices along the way. I have made plenty of wrong choices but I have enjoyed life so far. It's been exciting and dull, a challenge and a snap, a joy and a misery. I've got more than a few years left though not too many before that last picture I thought it might be all over.
I sometimes wonder how I made it this far. Maybe I am being a bit egotistical but I think I have picked up some wisdom along the way. Something that I can pass on to others, to influence choices they make along the way. No one has to take it, of course, I rarely did take advantage of any I was offered. Still, I'll try because that is the way of human nature.
A Night Unremembered
14 years ago
We never take the sensible advice of our elders, but then we wouldn't make any mistakes and have sensible advice of our own to give later on!
Glad you're still around Douglas.
I try to tell young people that if they take my advice and not make the mistakes I have made there will still be many mistakes left that can be theirs alone.
But the bottom line is that they will fumble thru just as we did. When we look back neither one of us did too badly Doug. BB
Jules and Brenda - the neat thing about advice is it never seems to apply until it's too late to follow it.
Brenda, we survived so far, eh? And, as the line I tried on that bar maid in Albuquerque went, we made some beautiful memories along the way.
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. We've all got our issues.
Life moves quickly by, doesn't it?
Cheri - Always in retrospect, it does. Sometimes, as you live it, it seems to be apace with molasses.
I actually can't wait to think like you do. I have a feeling I will. I have a feeling I already do.
Cheri - Always in retrospect, it does. Sometimes, as you live it, it seems to be apace with molasses.
We never take the sensible advice of our elders, but then we wouldn't make any mistakes and have sensible advice of our own to give later on!
Glad you're still around Douglas.
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