"Hole in the Moon Could Shelter Colonists"
So, here I am perusing the news and reading this interesting article about a little hole in the moon (213 feet across, 262-289 feet deep) where colonizing visitors might hang out in their off hours when I notice a small headline/link at the bottom of the article...
"North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux"
"Curious", says I (to myself... because my out loud mumblings often disturb Faye), "I wonder what that means?"
You see, I have this question that floats about in the empty space between my ears (and occasionally bangs into my cranium causing a severe headache) about what might happen if the earth's magnetic field reversed itself. You want a disaster movie? Try flipping the magnetic poles... especially with a collapse of the magnetic field in between and then toss in a solar storm about the same time.
Anyway, I learn that magnetic North (the direction your average compass points toward) is leaving somewhere near Canada for Siberia. What? You didn't know it was not pointing at True North (you know, where Santa has his workshop and all)? Doesn't matter as much these days with all the satellite driven GPS thingies we use. These modern devices obviate the need for what are called "magnetic-field maps" which have to be updated regularly because the field is a bit shifty and magnetic North moves a bit. Well, relatively recently, anyway.
It was fairly stable for some time and then scientists in 1904 noticed it had started moving in a northeastward direction at about 9 miles per year (15 km for you foreigners). Then someone put the old radar gun on it in 2007 and realized it had sped up to almost 37 miles per year. And now? Oh, it's pressed the pedal down further now and it is up to 40 miles per year. And I still don't understand how moving northeast from Canada is heading toward Siberia... but I digress.
There's a bit of stuff about the Earth's core and how it creates the magnetic field and all. And, while I am nodding my head in agreement whilst saying "yes, yes, I understand all that" (internally, of course, so as not to disturb Faye should she glance over at me), I glance to my left and see this little headline/link...
"Shifts in Earth's Magnetic Field Driven by Oceans?"
Oh, that's right, just throw out everything I've known to be true for the last 50 or so years. Of course, it is just theory and it is being derided by all those established scientists who had all reached a firm consensus about it not being the ocean movement and all. But still...
To get back to my main concern... the flipping of the magnetic poles... We don't have to worry about where North is because we use satellite positioning equipment now. Except that a flip in the poles is likely to mean a period where the magnetic field is weakened enough (or gone) and that will allow the solar winds to get through and disrupt satellites which, in turn, could foul up that GPS stuff we have become so dependent upon.
Not to mention how this might affect the migrating habits of various birds.
Is Al Gore paying attention to any of this?
If my GPS unit breaks down, how will I know how far the hole is on the golf course? I can't afford to hire a caddy... I just gotta stop perusing or I'll have to increase my visits to my therapist.
A Night Unremembered
14 years ago
I think the shift is driven by Al Gore himself. In fact, he could have invented it.
This will explain, however, why my own True North keeps moving around on me.
Happy New Year!
....Hole in the moon could shelter colonists....
The colonists may be there already, but they aren't Earthlings.
....Hole in the moon could shelter colonists....
The colonists may be there already, but they aren't Earthlings.
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