The Random Comic Strip

The Random Comic Strip

Words to live by...

"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and to rest afterward."

[Spanish Proverb]

Ius luxuriae publice datum est

(The right to looseness has been officially given)

"Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders," wrote Ludwig von Mises, "no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interest, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle."

Apparently, the crossword puzzle that disappeared from the blog, came back.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, Tuesday

Ok, there isn't a song by the Mamas and the Papas (or anyone else) about Tuesdays. Nobody much cares about Tuesdays. Unless it's an election day. Why is Monday so special? Or Friday? Why not Tuesday?

Monday has a couple of songs about it. Friday is heralded for closing out the week. Even Wednesday has some significance as "Hump Day". I am assuming, for propriety's sake, that this refers to getting over the hump, or mid-point, of the work week and has no sexual connotations. Thursday was always important to me because that was when the phone company gave me my paycheck and, later, deposited my pay in my account. I loved direct deposit, still do. Who knows how much trouble I could get into having a significant amount of cash in my pocket? Much better that I barely have enough to buy myself a beer than the means to treat everyone at the bar... But I digress.

Tuesdays are days I do not play golf now. Also Thursdays but that isn't the title of this post and I refuse to get off topic... too much. I schedule various things for Tuesdays; doctor's appointments, auto repairs or maintenance, shopping jaunts, library visits, naps (well, these are actually done daily), and so on.

Today I went to the dealer for service on Faye's car. It's a Buick. And we intend to drive it to San Diego next month. Mostly because it has about the third of the mileage my car has. So it was a good time to get the oil changed, the car lubed, and the tires rotated. I thought all tires rotated automatically as the car moved, how else would the car move? But I guess they mean something else.

I dislike service visits. They always try to sell you something else. And the waiting rooms leave a lot to be desired. There's free coffee, of course. Not that it is good coffee. I suspect they make it on Saturdays after they close and store it for use the following week. My dealership doesn't provide donuts or other snacks but they have an overpriced vending machine with very stale treats. The seats are ones I would have rejected for a dinette set.

And then there's a TV. They didn't scrimp on that. It's a 42" plasma. I think it's a leftover for when the dealership was solely a Cadillac store. Across the street at old Buick place, pre-consolidation, they had a wonderful 19" tube type with a tuner dial. I think the snow was to make the snowbirds feel at home.

The problem with the big 42" plasma is what is on it. I do not watch morning TV. I might toss on the news if I noticed something of vital interest might be on but I do not watch the weekday morning talk shows. But I cannot avoid that on the days I take one of the cars in for service. Regis and Kelly makes me wonder about the sanity of the general population.

I bring a book. Any book. And I long for a nearby cafe.


Steven said...

Friday I'm in Love by The Cure has shoutouts to all the days, even if it's specifically about Friday!

I've never been in an American car dealership...the mazda dealership where I get service has been totally revamped to have a nice showroom and a tiny uncomfortable waiting room...with a huge TV.

The Honda dealership next door where I got our Honda serviced once is super nice...huge, quiet, lounge-ish. The Kindle got a lot of use there.

The acura goes to JAPS - japanese auto professional service. Tiny room with comfortable chairs and nothing else. The Kindle is also good here, except they're too fast to keep you waiting long.

Don't know how my dad changed oil by himself for so many years...

Anonymous said...

"Tuesday Afternoon," by the Moody Blues ... a great song :)

Douglas said...

Steven, I used to change my own oil but then I grew too lazy and it was simpler and easier to have someone else deal with it. Especially after I started owning cars that had a low ground clearance.

Anon, busted! I liked that song too. To be fair to me, it is about an afternoon and about a mood more than about a day.

HektikLyfe said...

Tuesday's aren't so bad. Woot usually has two for Tuesdays.