The Random Comic Strip

The Random Comic Strip

Words to live by...

"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and to rest afterward."

[Spanish Proverb]

Ius luxuriae publice datum est

(The right to looseness has been officially given)

"Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders," wrote Ludwig von Mises, "no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interest, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle."

Apparently, the crossword puzzle that disappeared from the blog, came back.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday and Rain

It's a drizzly, gray day in Florida. Well, at least here in this part of Florida. Other parts may be sunny and bright. I don't know. Frankly, I don't care. Not that anything is wrong, mind you, just that that is the kind of mood that rainy days have on me. It's still warm but pleasant, my Vista weather gadget says it's 73F here but I suspect that isn't accurate. Feels more like 80 or so. The picture to the left is the area to the right and behind my house. It's empty lot and I hope it will stay that way for many years. It should and if I have my way, it will. I would hate to have someone build a house on it and stick a swing set in the back yard. Not that I have anything against children, just that I prefer to have them a little farther away. Or muzzled and on leashes.
 Rainy Saturdays are actually pleasant. Quiet, contemplative days when I can pretend to be thinking deep thoughts and musing on the events of the past week. Well, after I spent a good hour searching for the USB cable for my camera which I put somewhere where I wouldn't lose it and then it must have wandered off.
I finally found it, of course, in the box for the useless USB cable I had purchased for my outdated cellphone and whose software would not work on Vista (apparently) and for which there is no update. I suppose I should admit that it was I who put the wrong cable into that box... but I prefer to blame it on the gremlins that hang about near any computer and who misplace cables, wreak havoc with hard drives and generally make life miserable.
 All I can say is I am glad I had the innate wisdom (or rat-packedness) to not throw that box away thinking it contained the useless cable instead of the useful one.
This is how life goes when you advance into those golden years. Prepare yourself now. Get notebooks, learn to scribble legible notes that make sense (though I suppose that isn't possible since I never figured out how to do it), keep a small tape recorder or one of those digital reminder thingies about.
Or just pretend that searching for the things you misplaced is just another adventure in life.
Yeah, that's the ticket!


Neo said...

are you in a bad mood? would a hug help or is it that you can't play golf in the rain (or is that go golfing? think its right the way it is, you don't go footballing, or baseballing) Cheer up my man, its only a temporary thing :)

Douglas said...

Gregory, no bad mood but hugs are good anytime. Since I rarely play golf on Saturdays (Mondays and Fridays are locked in for that), it is a good day for rain. And it is a pleasant rain, drizzles and overcast; no heavy downpour.

Ann Imig said...

I've always been a bit absent-minded. Can't find the scissors? Hmm. Did you check the trash can?

It's only downhill from here.

Pearl said...

Oh, sheesh, I can't wait. I'm already snapping my fingers and saying things like "who's that one guy? The guy did that thing? Once slept with Madonna?"

And that doesn't help, does it?


Pearl said...

Oh, sheesh, I can't wait. I'm already snapping my fingers and saying things like "who's that one guy? The guy did that thing? Once slept with Madonna?"

And that doesn't help, does it?


Ann's Rants said...

I've always been a bit absent-minded. Can't find the scissors? Hmm. Did you check the trash can?

It's only downhill from here.