The Random Comic Strip

The Random Comic Strip

Words to live by...

"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and to rest afterward."

[Spanish Proverb]

Ius luxuriae publice datum est

(The right to looseness has been officially given)

"Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders," wrote Ludwig von Mises, "no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interest, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle."

Apparently, the crossword puzzle that disappeared from the blog, came back.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sometimes I Rant

One of the more amusing (and depressing, ironically) things I have observed is how we say one thing fervently and believe another subconsciously. I was among the many fans of the Jefferson Airplane back in the day. And I remained so, even when they acknowledged technology with the name change to Jefferson Starship. One of the most memorable lines from the Volunteers album song "We Can Be Together" is:

All your private property is
Target for your enemy
And your enemy is

Blatantly ungrammatical and "in your face". And then we learned about the property owned by Grace Slick*, et al, which was fenced in with an electrified fence. One wonders if they were taking their own words to heart in the way that their fans were?

And the title of that song fits so well with the sentiment expressed within it, don't you think?

I wonder about walled enclaves where the bleeding hearts take refuge from the common man they portray as so noble and deserving.

And then there's the Free Marketeers who would crush all competition if given the opportunity.

There is that contradiction of the Evil Rich who steal from the poor but who start and endow the charities the poor so depend upon.

"Pride goeth before a fall," I shout proudly. It is my overwhelming humility that I want you to adore. But adore me from afar. After all, though I worked hard all my life to achieve this fame, I demand my privacy.

We must become energy independent but no nuclear plants in my town and keep those bird killing windmills away, too. They mess up my ocean/mountain/desert view. No oil platforms off my pristine beaches full of the obese, either.

Speaking of which, my doctor (who weighs upwards of 300 lbs) recently told my friend (who is maybe 30 lbs overweight) that he must lose some weight. I was immediately nostalgic for the days when doctors endorsed cigarette brands.

Hypocrisy is nothing new.

Preachers who sin are as old as religion itself.

Politician is synonymous with liar.

It's no wonder I am a cynic.

What? You aren't? You believe in the human race? You have hope for the future? I just read today that the Iranians are claiming the evil doers (three of which they tried, sentenced and hung in 36 hours) who bombed a Shi'ite mosque were al Qaeda affiliates who acted on orders from the American CIA. Does that give you hope? How about Kim Jong Il threatening to wage war if his ships are stopped because they are suspected of carrying materials for WOD to other miscreant nations?

Let's try appeasement. It has worked so well in the past.

Or war, since that has worked well also.

Maybe both.

Ah, but then we'd have to figure out who to appease and who to wage war against.

* Grace is/was the lead singer for Jefferson Airplane/Starship [for those who did not know]



IB said...

I agree, Douglas. It can be a little depressing sometimes. There's a lot to fear and a lot about which to be cynical. Still, we keep going and ever so often, we rant.

Pearl said...

It's a complex world, isn't it?

The best part of it? It changes. Often! We are capable of great injustice -- and great acts of kindness.

What's it all mean? No idea.


Douglas said...

"If we couldn't laugh,
we'd all go insane" [Jimmy Buffett]

Mark Kreider said...

I like the way you think. The way you write too!

Douglas said...

mkreider - Thank you and welcome to my musings. I was born in Copaigue and lived my first 9 and a half years in Farmingdale. Perhaps you are familiar with that town.

mkreider said...

I like the way you think. The way you write too!